Truer words were never spoken than by Mrs. Wooster, GMS’s 1st Vice Principal and legend in her own right, in her farewell to Mr. Scigliano. Check out Mrs. Wooster’s & other friend’s kind farewells that we have watched these past weeks.
This has been a season of ‘Good-Byes’ at Glanford and we have found ourselves thanking so many of our colleagues who are moving on to new adventures for helping to make Glanford a great place to come to school. Here at the last, we do so for our friend & mentor & visionary & leader & principal. Our Mr. Scigliano, here from before Day One of Glanford Middle School – 21 years in all; who has always reminded us that we will do “What’s best for kids”; who has been our great advocate and booster; who has encouraged us to do better and do more; and who has made us better GMSers; has retired. In true Maverick fashion we have done our best to say ‘Thank you’ with tributes on Studio 85, at Retros, & in person, with kind words at Covid-Friendly distances, and of course, with smiles & laughter.
Thank you, Mr. Scigliano, for making our school a joyous place these many years. We will continue to teach the lessons of kindness, caring, friendship, & responsibility that have been the defining characteristics of your service. May your next adventure bring you all that this one has and more. We will miss you.
Mrs. Elaine Wooster | Mr. Tarj Mann | Dr. Bonnie Henry | Mr. Jeff Duyndam |
Mr. Sean Powell | Mr. Rob Parker | Mrs. Marla Margetts | "All I want for Christmas is Lou" |