Always a Smile!
Two great educators, moving on!
She can play music too?
Serving up a storm!
Everything is going "accordion" to plan
Ms. Khosla watches her own retrospective....
2 besties bedazzling Ms. Khosla's favorite possession...
Principal and Vice-Principal preparing for the best....
There simply aren't enough words for this...
We'll all miss you Ms. Khosla...
A Pokemon fan too?
Supporting all staff!
Does she have a competitive side? Hmmm....
Principal and Vice Principal, a great pair!
A moment of calm...
Coach too!
Happy times- always a smile with Mrs. Khosla!
Bedazzling at Beaver Lake!
Acting Principal and Vice-Principal during Covid- what an awesome set!
Doing what she does best- hanging out with kids!
Mrs. Kelly and Band 7 do a send off for Mrs. Khosla.
Mrs. Khosla thanking the Grade 7 Marching band- she always thinks of others before herself...