An Unusual Year… COVID Throws Us a Curveball

Sometimes we missed but we kept swinging at the COVID curveballs that came our way in 2020-2021.  No surprise, we hit a few and learned to make do with masks & cohorts & staggered schedules & social distancing from our friends & all things disallowed as we tried our best to keep each other safe.  In this unusual year  traditions – Studio 85,  Retro-Assemblies & Music Performances  – gave us shared common experiences in remote. Our Clash of the Cohorts did its best to remind us of the teams and events lost.

Every cloud has a silver lining and Mr. Scigliano’s decision to postpone his retirement to help steady us through a pandemic startup was  most definitely one.  His leadership was, as it always had been, tempered by his simple philosophy: “What is best for the kids?”  You can’t really go wrong in a middle school from that starting point and our friend & mentor seldom did.  It was an emotional time for Glanford when the Winter Break arrived and Mr. Scigliano departed.  Check out some tributes here.